Truth & Reconciliation (TRC) Reflections
September 30, 2023 | Blog
Guest blog post by David Turner on TRC and Indigenous Philanthropy.
Guest blog post by David Turner on TRC and Indigenous Philanthropy.
Each year we publish a Charity List of reviewed organizations to coincide with GivingTuesday.
One would think that as a philanthropy advisor, when it comes to conversations about Giving & Receiving after so many years, we have had them all. What I learned from Deborah and the participants in her session is that there are more insights to glean. Most importantly, when working with other advisors, exploring their reactions to “receiving.”
Changemaker funding – Summer 2023 Newsletter .
What is a B Corp? B Corp is becoming a more common term. But, what […]
Response to “Some input for rapporteur in meddling probe” published on April 26th in the […]
Spring 2023 newsletter reflecting back and looking forward for K&C and P2G.