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Three smiling women by Radomir Jordanovic

Celebrating Women in Philanthropy

March 5, 2019 | Blog

Women’s roles in philanthropy have evolved over time from sisterhood groups of biblical times to Victorian England’s Benevolent Aid Societies, which were the first documented organized women’s groups focusing on volunteerism and charity.

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Woman standing in front of a grave site in black and white.

You are Going to Die! Philanthropy 3.0 – Your New Wealth Planning Strategy

February 7, 2019 | Blog

They say that nothing is certain except death and taxes. Since those two things are inevitable, what can be done to make them less stressful? This is where Philanthropy 3.0 comes in. As a planning tool, Philanthropy 3.0 can work towards wealth management, tax planning and establishing a living legacy that can be an emotional comfort for your friends, family and community upon your passing.

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The Business of Philanthropy – What we can learn from the Trump Foundation Dissolution

January 21, 2019 | Blog

A private foundation is more than just an entity that allows you to make donations to qualified donees. It is a legal structure and an operating corporation. Having a formal structure around your giving, like a private foundation, is just like having a business. The motivations for setting up these types of organizations range from purely altruistic to more technical as part of a tax planning solution. When looking at it from an altruistic perspective, it might be established as a tool to bring family members together, an entity to strengthen a corporate or family brand in a community or a financing solution to a complex social problem. This blog post explores the pitfalls of private foundations.

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